Forest Caulfield-Clemens
1 min readJan 11, 2022


indigenous people have been going through a 400 year genocide, and still conserve 86% of the land and sea on earth

that’s WHY land back is a climate issue

and most recently, the FBI performed a coup to appoint Jaír Bolsonaro as a fascist president of Brazil, uplifting Luis from political power. Bolsonaro got handsome paychecks when he cut the labor cost of logging & livestock agriculture for foreign markets, he blamed it on indigenous people. Just like us, as our internal genocides/eugenics campaigns have been more or less successful/thorough, so we blame it on immigrants.

Like, Fox bought National Geographic and they stopped doing as in-depth journalism, and Canon gave gear to ICE around the time they stopped as heavily focusing on See The World As Canon Sees It or whatever, the nature photographer ad campaign

Then Disney bought National Geographic and it’s been defunded more, and they have to listen ever more to the orders on the higher floor.

have you heard what’s left of the Chicago Tribune, there’s not much left anymore, they bled it dry, so that most that’s left/are people you can see from the entrance door

like a real world telling

of walter mitty

never getting another chance

because there’s nothing there anymore

